Bid On Brokers

The Multiple Agent Service or BOB is a gamified marketplace where buyers and sellers can match with compatible agents, brokers, and other marketplace participants.

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The Fruit Basket

Why the The National Association of Realtors and the 560 Realtor owned MLS’s can no longer steer money through a unilateral offer of compensation:

Changing the Game

Multiple Agent Service (MAS) replaces the outdated Multiple Listing Service (MLS) with a more flexible, customer-driven approach!

Multiple Agent Service (MAS)

An innovative platform where buyers and sellers list services and set their own commission rates.

Compliant and Transparent

MAS's match, contract, and audit process ensures secure, ethical, and transparent transactions holding all parties accountable

Empowering Consumers

Buyers and sellers set the terms and control the negotiation, reducing costs and ensuring fair service!

Sign up today

While our app is in development, we are currently offering a digital matching service for buyers and sellers to find an agent and create a customized, transparent, and equitable agreement of services and fees. Simply sign up with your email and we will help you find an agent offering terms and services that best aligns with your values and real estate goals.

We won’t ever share your contact info with any agent until you’re happy with the agent you selected, and we will work to ensure an equitable, transparent, and ethical representation of your real estate interests occurs.

Sign Up And Find An Agent Today!

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